Stéphane Mellinger CEO de NIM Europe en interview dans La Jaune et la Rouge, le magazine des alumni de Polytechnique

Stéphane Mellinger in an exclusive interview for La Jaune et la Rouge

Stéphane Mellinger, Managing Partner and CEO of NIM Europe, in Magazine N°787 of La Jaune et la Rouge, the École Polytechnique alumni magazine

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Comment démarrer une mission de Management de Transition avec NIM Europe

How to start an interim management mission?

Do you want to get out of a crisis situation, ensure the vacancy of a management position or support the strong growth of your company? The Transition Manager helps you achieve your goal. At NIM Europe we pay particular attention to the first moments of the mission. They define the essential milestones of a successful relationship. Follow our advice to find out how to start an Interim Management mission.

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Pourquoi faire appel à un DSI de transition

Why call on an Interim CIO to digitalize your business?

In recent years, the digitalization of businesses has experienced exponential growth which has only accelerated during the global health crisis. An ever-increasing number of companies are choosing to adopt a digital strategy to remain competitive and maintain good communication with their customers. With a Transition IT Department, you have a professional with recognized expertise to effectively digitalize your business.

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Webinar France-Allemagne et le management de transition

(Français) [Paroles d’experts – webinar] France – Allemagne : Quels sont les Facteurs-Clés de Succès de part et d’autre du Rhin ?

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Webinar : Retournement d'entreprise, comment éviter la ligne rouge !

(Français) [Paroles d’experts – webinar] Retournement d’Entreprise : Comment éviter la ligne rouge !

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Gestion de projet avec le Management de Transition

(Français) Bien gérer ses projets

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Miniature carte de voeux NIM Europe 2023

Best wishes for 2023

The year 2023 has arrived, and the whole team wanted to wish you all the best for this new year.

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Management de transition : Management projet ou Management relai. Un article pour faire la différence et savoir comment choisir.

(Français) Management relais ou management de projet ?

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La grande enquête de NIM Europe sur le Management de Transition à l'international

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NIM Europe, spécialiste du Management de Transition, reçoit le quality award de l'AE CMT pour son suivi de mission lors de la Convention de 2022.

(Français) NIM Europe récompensé pour son suivi de mission

During its first Convention on September 9, the Alumni Network AE-CMT | Alumni of the Transition Management Certificate of Dauphine and IFMT, recognized the excellence of the service of NIM Europe for the follow-up of our Managers on mission by presenting us with the “Quality Award”.