How does Transition Management work?

If Transition Management has existed since the 1970s in the Netherlands, Interim Management developed in France thirty years later. In 2001, NIM Europe was the first Transition Management firm created in France. This managerial solution, primarily reserved for crisis management, subsequently proved to be just as effective for managing change and improving performance. Discover with us how Transition Management works.


Definition of Transition Management

It consists of involving a specialized Manager to resolve specific problems, within a given time frame (generally several months). At that time, the company did not have the human resources necessary to achieve this.

It could be :

  • A need for knowledge in a given sector. An operational and highly qualified manager will enable the implementation of effective actions as quickly as possible. Indeed, in Transition Management, only seasoned professionals are employed. They have evolved in specialized sectors of activity and can use their experience to analyze and act. They build on the responsibilities they took on in previous positions. This know-how gives them unparalleled responsiveness and ability to adapt.
  • To deal with an emergency or crisis situation. A Transitional Manager supports the company to get back on the path to success and performance.
  • To help set up a new organization, dedicated to the improvement and transformation of the company.

A company that uses an external manager benefits from the services of an expert, who will take a fresh and objective look at the problem to be resolved. In fact, the Manager does not seek to promote his career, since he does not evolve in a lasting manner within the structure in which he operates.

Finally, a Transition mission must be targeted and specific. The intervention, limited in time, leads to tangible results.


Actors in Interim Management

The independent manager

Without support, this formula is similar to classic hiring. It requires the company to define its needs itself and to have the time necessary for the recruitment procedure.

Associations or intermediation platforms

They facilitate the connection between requester and Manager and thus meet more targeted needs. However, they do not, or only minimally, monitor the mission. This option is similar to the independent manager model.

HR consulting firms

They provide assistance with human resources management as part of a general and global recruitment offer.

The “pure players”

True players in Transition Management, their job consists of supporting companies to:

  • Identify their needs.
  • Find the most relevant Manager (the one who combines skills in the required field and expertise on the type of mission).
  • Ensure monitoring of the mission and establish an assessment of its quality. Whether it is a general practice or a specialist practice, it therefore offers an efficient personalized approach.

NIM Europe offers its know-how to guide companies towards success.


The types of missions carried out by Transition professionals

In more than 20 years, the scope of transition action has evolved. A Transition Management mission concerns a multitude of areas of intervention in specialized, more or less specialized functions.

It is practiced for:

  • A change of direction or an unexpected departure: a vacant position can thus be replaced urgently.
  • Major restructuring with site closures, recovery or implementation of a job protection plan or a plan
  • An external vision to improve internal communication or carry out projects. The Manager breathes new life into the company and leads strategic actions. Thus, the Transition Manager may intervene to optimize the production chains or launch an innovative product on the market. He can also ensure the development of different activities or complete the acquisition of a new company.


The cost of Transition Management

The cost of services differs depending on:

  • The complexity of the mission entrusted: remuneration is higher for a manager with specific knowledge in a sector of activity.
  • The profile sought: income varies between a general manager, a legal director or a manager specializing in information systems.
  • The mission itself: the context, nature, duration, urgency and even location are all criteria to take into account.

By calling on a Transition Manager, you are making an investment for your business. Transition Management makes it possible to quickly resolve problems thanks to an operational framework.

NIM Europe has a substantial pool of experienced executives serving in management committee positions. They demonstrate the greatest responsiveness in finding a Manager for general management, financial management, HR, marketing management, information systems management or other positions.

To benefit from the advantages of the best experts, quickly available, contact NIM Europe. We will support you step by step to meet all the challenges you face!



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