Director of operations in transition in the plastics industry

Following the departure of the Director of Operations, this plastics company for cosmetics, located in the East of France, decided to call on NIM Europe. Marc, our Transition Manager, expert in the field is the chosen candidate.


Very operational, Marc has several objectives during his Transition Mission: improve relations between the different entities, review the failing managerial organization, restore the profitability of the site which is becoming worrying and implement new Supply Chain management software.

As Transition Manager, he recreated a climate of trust between the various players on the site, brought his expertise in management of the plastics industry but also developed processes to improve product quality and customer satisfaction. This industry is very competitive and requires a perfect and profitable organization.

Marc our transition manager, identified by NIM Europe in a few days accepted this crisis mission far from his home. In 6 months, he rectified the situation and identified someone in the company whom he trained to take over after the transition mission.


For privacy reasons, names have been changed.


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