Progress of our missions
One of our Partners welcomes you for an Interim Management mission. After discussing your experiences with you, you sign a confidentiality document (NDA). This aims to protect the customer as well as yourself, allowing us to communicate to you the identity of our client. This information must, unless explicitly agreed by the client, remain confidential. We only communicate to the customer the information that you authorize us to share with them. We will never forward your CV without your authorization. To better understand your journey as a Transition Manager, and thus better focus your profile on Transition Missions, we suggest, on a case-by-case basis, that you respond to a personalized questionnaire. This test takes place via our professional aptitude platform with your agreement in complete confidentiality. We undertake to send you the results and comment on them. When the client accepts your application and wishes to meet you, you prepare your interview and your roadmap with your NIM Europe Partner.
At the start of the mission, you establish a surprise report, an inventory, an action plan and a proposal for means to carry out the project successfully. At all times, we support you while giving you operational autonomy regarding the actions to be taken. The NIM Europe Partner ensures that relations with the client’s teams are optimized and intervenes with the company in the event of possible difficulties. He establishes regular updates with the parties until the end of your mission and ensures that the elements of transmission to the successor are established.
40% of missions are based in the Paris region 20% of missions concern the replacement of an employee (who can no longer assume their role suddenly, departure, illness, pregnancy, etc.). 30% of our missions are carried out by women. Nearly 30% of our Transition Managers are recruited at the end of their mission. 60% of our missions relate to project and transformation management. 10% of interventions take place internationally.

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